About Us

On-site and remote technical support for computer hardware, software and network maintenance.

We come to your home, or place of business to address your computer, network and technical problems. We fix Windows errors, failing hardware and software, remove viruses and malware. Provide a backup and disaster recovery plan implementation. G-Suite and MS Exchange migrations and much more.

Give us a call to let us know what you need. Many operating system and network problems can be resolved remotely – without us ever having to visit your home or business. We offer a large variety of trusted remote support options you can choose from based on your needs.

PC-Solutions Canada is based in St. Lazare, Quebec, supporting all surrounding areas. PC-Solutions Canada has built solid, lasting business relationships with its clients. We will travel to deliver your on-site support, so that you don’t have to waste your valuable time and productivity..


Peter Cihula B. Sc.

I have been maintaining computers, software and network systems for more than 20 years. I excel at providing expert, on-site and remote IT services to individuals, as well as businesses, in many different fields with various requirements.

Following a bachelor’s degree in science, from the University of Waterloo, I decided to further develop my practical skills in a technical institute, where I acquired a deeper expertise and mastery of computer hardware and software, as well as hands-on experience with various operating systems, applications and networking.

I have worked with a vast array of complex IT systems, across many industries. One of my most challenging career accomplishments, was to support and administer a network of 911 dispatch centres, where working under pressure became second nature to me. As you can imagine if a 911 computer doesn't function perfectly, the consequences can be extremely critical.

As a result, I have since advanced to develop even more robust software, hardware and networked systems, often with third party integrations. This has perfected my abilities to provide even more successful solutions - to technical problems with various commercial and residential clients.